Welcome to St Joseph's & Holy Family Catholic Churches in Sale
Music Groups

The St. Joseph's Music Group was founded over 40 years ago and has been leading the music for the 11am family mass every Sunday ever since. Some of the group have been singing or playing since its inception and many more have joined over the years, so that now the group is a vibrant mix of people from many nations and of all ages. Our musicians are made up of guitars, clarinets, flutes, violin, tin whistle and percussion and we have an enthusiastic and talented group of singers. We rehearse once a month in the evening to give us chance for social time as well to prepare the music for the upcoming masses.
Every week, we lead the congregation in the Gathering and Recessional songs, Offertory and Communion hymns as well as the musical settings of the mass parts such as the Lord have Mercy, Gloria, Holy, Holy and Lamb of God, including The Mass of Peace by Eddie Cavavos from the USA, the first parish in the UK to introduce it!
The highlights of our year musically are, of course, Christmas and Easter, when there is so much beautiful, liturgical music which we believe enhances the spiritual nature of our Masses and Services here at St Joseph's. However, there are many other events when the Music Group plays a key role in the worship:
We have very close links with our wonderful Primary School and as well as supporting the singing of the children at the weekly Wednesday school mass, we provide the music for the First Forgiveness service and the very special Holy Communion masses in May. We always enjoy playing for the Confirmation mass and for the highlight of the year, our parish Mass of All Nations in June, where we celebrate the spirituality, languages, cultures and music of our diverse congregation. Much of the music is suggested by members of the parish who grew up in other countries around the world, and we sing in English, French, Spanish, Italian, Slovakian and songs from African nations. We also have our wonderful Male Voice Choir which gets together a few times a year to sing in 4 parts at special events such as the Mass of All Nations.
We have been fortunate to celebrate two Ordinations to the priesthood in our parish in recent years and the ordination masses of both Fr Anthony McGrath and are Tom Cunnah were enhanced by the singing of our choir.
We are always delighted to welcome new members, both musicians and singers. If you are interested in finding out more about joining the St Joseph's Music Group, please email Katrina Madden or see Father Stephen Woolley.
Our 9am mass features music accompanied by the organ. There is no music at our 5.30pm Sunday mass or our 6.30pm Saturday Vigil Mass.